Representing Reotemp's three core product lines, Old Faithful is a low-cost, lightweight selection of three samples that will help turn the conversation toward temperature and pressure measurement in the industrial and process markets. Products include 5" Adjustable Angle Dial Thermometer, RTD w/ Explosion Proof Head and 316SS Thermowell, and 4.5" Phenolic Case All-Welded Seal Gauge. The Seal Gauge dial can be customized with your company logo, college/pro sports team logo, or another feature of your choosing.
- JJ0401F47
- E1TPX1254X
- ST4316-S
- Reotemp Sample Case
Reotemp sample kits are intended to showcase products for marketing purposes and the instruments in them are not intended or reccomended for service use. Actual part numbers may vary based on available stock.